Thursday, September 13, 2007

Should World of Warcraft Pets Level With You?

I was reading a pretty interesting thread on the official WoW forums about whether or not World of Warcraft pets should level with the hunter or not. That's something I really hadn't given a lot of thought to before.

The argument for it says that Warlock pets level with him, so Hunter pets should to. Also, having the pets level with you would eliminate the tiresome grinding for pet levels that hunters go through. There's also the point that in Burning Crusade, quest EXP makes up a bigger part of your normal leveling than grinding, and pets don't get to share in that, meaning you're still grinding just for your pet.

The arguement against wonders where it would stop. If you're a level 68 hunter and you tame a level 65 pet, would it instantly level to 68? Wouldn't that be kind of broken?

My take is a compromise in the middle. I'm not a huge fan of pets magically becoming the same level as you, but I'm also not a fan of lots of grinding. I play to have fun, not to work. So how about reducing the EXP the pet needs to level? That sounds like the easiest and best way to address the issue to me. Someone in the thread mentioned making it only take 1/3 of the normal EXP for the pet to level. I'm not sure if that's the magic number, but I think it is probably pretty close.

I think they could also change what would give your pet EXP. Right now, for your pet to gain EXP, the mob has to be at least green to you. Depending on your pet, that means the mob could be bright red. Blizzard could change the rules to make it so the mob has to be green to the pet and that could make things easier, too.

If you're looking for ways to quickly and efficiently level both you and your pet, you should check out the Ultimate World of Warcraft guide. It comes with 1-70 level guides for both Horde and Alliance as well as a fantastic gold guide, class guides, maps, and tons of quest info. They're always updating it, so it'll never go out of date. It even comes with a money back guarantee, so there's no risk at all. Check it out today!

The Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide - Powerleveling info, Get Gold Fast, Tons of Quest Info!