There's a great article over at Warcry about hunter's and increasing their DPS since Burning Crusade's release. It leads to a very detailed forum post that explains how to use shot rotation to totally maximize your DPS. If you go to check it out, make sure you've got some time because I'm not kidding when I said it is detailed.
The article also goes on to discuss knowing how to play your class, which is what I want to talk about today. It has happened to anyone that plays WoW for more than a week. You've grouped with someone that just doesn't know how to play their class. You've met the priest that is too distracted to heal, the tank that can't hold aggro, and the nuker that can't control their aggro.
When I play anMMORPG I make it a point of pride to be able to play my chosen class well. The way I look at it, people will always remember a guy that has no idea how to play his class. But they'll also remember the person that plays with skill and an understanding of their class. The bonus is that I rarely have trouble finding a group, because people I've grouped with before are always glad to have me join them again.
I think that a lot of people take the social part of an MMORPG for granted. They figure since they pay their monthly fee, they are entitled to play any way that they want. I think that's true up to a point. I really don't care what tactics or strategies you use as long as they don't negatively impact me or my playing.
The problem comes when people join groups with this attitude. Now you're directly affecting the play experience of other people that paid the same amount of money as you and are also spending their (most likely) limited leisure time playing a game. If you join a group and can't play your class, you're just wasting several people's time and money.
Of course, this doesn't apply to people in the lower levels. The whole point of the low levels is to learn to play the class properly. Some people don't learn the lessons properly and some people just buy their accounts on ebay, so neither of these two groups are assets to a group. But I think the majority of people know what they're doing and are a joy to adventure with.
So really, just keep in mind that this is very much a social game and your actions can impact other people. And really, you do get out of it what you put into it. Play well and the game will be much more fun in the long run.
If you'd like to learn to play your class better, or maybe just pick up some new tactics and strategies, check out the Ultimate World of Warcraft guide. It has great strategies for every class, plus 1-70 leveling guides for Horde and Alliance. In addition to all that, it has great methods to make really gold in no time. It is constantly being update with all the latest tips and tricks and comes with a money back guarantee, so you've got nothing to lose! Check it out!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
World of Warcraft Pets - Cool Hunter Info & L2P
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2:28 PM
Labels: Hunters
The Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide - Powerleveling info, Get Gold Fast, Tons of Quest Info!
Friday, August 24, 2007
World of Warcraft Pets In a Battlechest
Following in the tradition of Diablo, Starcraft, and um...Warcraft, there's going to be a battlechest edition of World of Warcraft (pets not included).
Its going to be a pretty sweet deal, too. You get the core game and the Burning Crusades expansion, plus Brady guides for each of them. All for the low, low price of $39.99. That's an especially good deal when you consider that just Burning Crusade costs $39.99 right now, and that's without two strategy guides.
Luckily for me, I already own BC plus I've got all the guides that I need at the moment. I will say though, that I'm a sucker for these battlechests. I've got the other three already. You can't beat getting tons of great gaming for a low price.
If you're like me and already have Burning Crusade, or even if you don't have it, you will probably want to check out this strategy guide. Its got all the stuff the official guide has (maps, quest info, etc) plus it tells you how to get some quick gold and has leveling guides for both the Horde and the Alliance. Its a great deal and a real time saver. And remember, any time you can save from grinding and farming gold is more time you can spend having fun! And at World of Warcraft Pets, we're always looking for ways to maximize our fun.
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10:44 PM
Labels: world of warcraft, world of warcraft pets
The Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide - Powerleveling info, Get Gold Fast, Tons of Quest Info!
Mid Level Content Changes
I just found an interesting article concerning some upcoming changes to the mid levels.
Basically, Blizzard is taking a look at different zones and seeing how they can be optimized for faster/more efficient leveling. They're also discussing making leveling go faster, which I can only assume means raising the EXP rate, possibly in particular zones.
EverQuest is doing something like this, where every few months they put out a list of "hot" zones, where the EXP rate is significantly raised. There's a zone for each level range, so in theory, you can fight just in that zone until you don't get good EXP there anymore, then move to the next hot zone.
I think this is a really cool idea, though if that's the path Blizzard is taking, I hope they either update their hotzone list more frequently than Sony does, or they just raise the EXP rate across the board.
Of course, the drawback to hot zones, is that those zones could quickly become too crowded. It could also make the game boring, because you're spending all your time in one place, trying to max out your EXP. But at the same time, developers can use this as a tool to get people to try out zones that would otherwise be overlooked.
Anyway, check out the whole article here.
You might also want to check out a cool WoW guide that has helped me a lot. It has leveling guides for both Horde and Alliance, as well as tactics, strategies, tips for making fast gold, and tons of quest info. It also has all the maps you'll ever want.
Posted by
12:13 PM
Labels: Everquest, world of warcraft, world of warcraft pets
The Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide - Powerleveling info, Get Gold Fast, Tons of Quest Info!
World of Warcraft Pets
In the World of Warcraft pets are very important. And I think it is high time they get their due. Who else will always be there to group with you? Who else will never be late for a raid (unless you're late, too!)? That's right, your pet.
I'm actually new to the pet playing classes, having only messed around with a warlock a little before. But now that I've tried it, I'm hooked.
I look forward to discussing WoW pets with you, finding tactics and getting to know some of the readers. In fact, the social aspect of World of Warcraft is probably my favorite thing about it.
But really, I just want to welcome you to World of Warcraft Pets and thank you for reading. I look forward to writing more for you soon, and hope to get some feedback, too!
Posted by
11:59 AM
Labels: world of warcraft, world of warcraft pets