Friday, August 24, 2007

Mid Level Content Changes

I just found an interesting article concerning some upcoming changes to the mid levels.

Basically, Blizzard is taking a look at different zones and seeing how they can be optimized for faster/more efficient leveling. They're also discussing making leveling go faster, which I can only assume means raising the EXP rate, possibly in particular zones.

EverQuest is doing something like this, where every few months they put out a list of "hot" zones, where the EXP rate is significantly raised. There's a zone for each level range, so in theory, you can fight just in that zone until you don't get good EXP there anymore, then move to the next hot zone.

I think this is a really cool idea, though if that's the path Blizzard is taking, I hope they either update their hotzone list more frequently than Sony does, or they just raise the EXP rate across the board.

Of course, the drawback to hot zones, is that those zones could quickly become too crowded. It could also make the game boring, because you're spending all your time in one place, trying to max out your EXP. But at the same time, developers can use this as a tool to get people to try out zones that would otherwise be overlooked.

Anyway, check out the whole article here.

You might also want to check out a cool WoW guide that has helped me a lot. It has leveling guides for both Horde and Alliance, as well as tactics, strategies, tips for making fast gold, and tons of quest info. It also has all the maps you'll ever want.

The Ultimate World of Warcraft Guide - Powerleveling info, Get Gold Fast, Tons of Quest Info!

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